

Well, it sure has been a busy summer, and although I find myself struggling to balance my responsibilities as a wife, a mother, a mother, a mother, and a painter, I have somehow managed to finish 2 canvases, paint my kitchen cabinets, take my family to the beach, go on a date with my husband, catch a few naps, catch a few movies with some super awesome people, stay (some-what) on top of the chores, and even pull together inspiration for my next painting.... This may not sound like much, but admittedly, to me it does. ...And I couldn't have done any of it without the support of my husband, who continually goes out of his way to serve me, his fumbling wife.

Hopefully, soon I will have more paintings to post, as we are swiftly moving into August. ..Oh, where does the time go?

1 comment:

Krista said...

Keep up the good work!